Our Favourite Spot

 Grab your blankets, pack up a light lunch, bring your picnic basket, and we will take you to our favourite spot!

We spent a few of our summer days going to this lovely place by the water. Every Friday, they would have a band play in the park, and people would just come sitting down with their chairs and blankets, ready for the music and the summer breeze. The place is located in a bay beside a small town, the kind where everybody knows everybody. Everything you need is just a few steps away from each other's stores, and the people are laid back. mind you, they politely do not welcome skateboarders in their park.

The day these photos were taken, the band that was playing was paying tribute to The Beatles. Everybody just sat in the grass and enjoyed the 'here and now'. Most of the oldies went up to dance the afternoon away, while the younger ones swayed and danced along in their seats. People would smile at each other whether they were strangers or not.

This is my kind of thing, no hardcore parties and wasted girls in their skimpy skirts (if there is any). Again, I am not a hater, I just love me some laid back lifestyle. It's quite a nice getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city. My husband really, really love this place. We're looking forward to come back next summer and do a bit of water activity. Cold water activity.


Okanagan Pt. 2



At Stanley Park's Rose Garden. Sorry, I was never one to really pose for the camera. Selfies, yes; but other people taking my photo other than my husband, awkward.


Capilano Suspension Bridge


False Creek 2.0

In relation to my previous post, here are two more photos of False Creek from my phone. It was taken one afternoon while my husband was doing his usual afternoon hobby as I -- consider it as a hobby --  wander around whilst enjoying my "me" time. It's a priceless thing just walking around without talking to anybody and just observing anything and everything that surrounds you. Sometimes you'll see people walking their lovely dogs, bikers cursing at you when you walk along the bike lane, kids running around with their parents at a safe distance, teenagers sitting on the grass probably munching on their snacks or munching on each other, making out; and not far behind them are more teenagers smoking weed. The best would be the old people walking hand in hand, not in a hurry, with wrinkles as they smile. 

Also, sunsets are lovely in this side of the city!

False Creek

Separating downtown Vancouver from the rest of the city, False Creek stays still even when everything else is awake and moving at night.

Fall 2014

One of the days where we took a walk and drowned ourselves in the crisp colours of autumn in Stanley Park. 


Lights | Little Machines

Last November 19th, my husband surprised me with tickets to the Lights concert in Vogue Theater. We've been listening to her music for years, and it's been sort of our thing. Her music is truly amazing and powerful, the type that gives you a sense of calmness and elation at the same time. It was a different feel having seen her take over the stage --- made us even more enamoured with her prowess.

She was unbelievably humble and --- get this --- when she was a little girl, little Valerie Anne Poxleitner spent part of her childhood in our home country, the Philippines! Lights has been raising funds for the World Vision typhoon Haiyan relief operation in our country, which I think makes her the best.

What's more amazing is that we were among the 50 people to purchase her Little Machines Vinyl Album and got to meet her in person. We were so stoked we got to chat with her and had our vinyls, tickets, and a shirt signed. Also, a hug to end the night with. 

I love all of her songs but the most appealing to me in her latest release are Muscle Memory, Running With The Boys, and Up We Go. If you have not listened to her album or her music yet, please take time to do so. You won't regret it!



Cultus Lake in Squares

Cultus Lake Park is located somewhere in Fraser Valley. Its river (Sweltzer River) is said to run through the  Soowahlie Indian Reserve No. 14. I have come to discover that this Indian Reserve has its own form of government: the Soowahlie Band. It is intriguing to know more about their said government but I won't probe deeper into that, I am, after all just talking about Cultus Lake. 

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