Indoor plants have been increasingly popular these days. Plant posts are everywhere in social media, plant stores pop in every other corner, even your local supermarkets have a variety of them on their shelves. Surely almost every home or office must have a couple of greens in a certain part of the room.
It is one of life's simplest things that has always been there but is not appreciated as much. Now that nature is slowly being paved to make way for bigger cities, having houseplants really make a positive difference. It's nice to go back to basics.
Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, studies have shown that plants improve one's physical and mental well being. Here are a number of benefits you get from your indoor jungle:
1. Plants make people happy
You've probably heard that many times. It may already sound cliche but this is backed up by research. Generally, being around plants has proven to lift one's mood and bring about a calming effect. That is why people love to go on a nature hike, a trip to the countryside, or go for a walk in the park away from the four corners of their homes and into the open where you can breathe fresh air.
Taking care of living plants also reduces one's stress level, this is tested and proven. Watering your garden, feeling the leaf texture with your hands, trimming off dead leaves, repotting. All of these re-direct your busy mind and sends you into a space where you don't think of daily stressors. Seeing your plants thrive will give you a sense of purpose and will somehow make you feel less lonely.
Most people also use essence from plants and turn it into essential oils that you can either diffuse or massage directly onto your skin to reduce a number of issues such as anxiety and headaches.
2. Detoxifies the air you breathe
When we think of 'air pollution' we immediately imagine smog, cigarettes, or smoke belches from vehicles. Little do we know that there are many toxins in the air at home too.
Materials used for building your home, carpets and rugs that accumulate dirt, your electronic appliances, household cleaning products, plastic bags and even your paper towels release byproducts into the air.
Keeping your windows closed especially during winter does not help either. Molds eventually develop, bacteria and virus enter your home and with less ventilation, it only keeps the air toxins boxed inside.This increases the likelihood of exacerbating allergies, asthma attacks, and other common sickness.
Plants absorb and filter these airborne toxins and in the process, utilize it for food and leave you with purified air. They take in the carbon dioxide we exhale and we breathe in the oxygen they release. It's a win-win situation.
3. Adds humidity and helps you sleep better
The air indoors can get quite dry, especially in the cold season when you have your furnaces and heaters on. A humidifier is your best solution but indoor plants can help you with that too, since they add moisture to the atmosphere. Try putting a plant or two in your bedroom and you will literally feel the difference with the kind of air your breathe.
Having the right amount of humidity and coolness in the bedroom will give you a good night's rest. Peace lilies, lavenders, snake plants, chamomile and aloe plants are among the most popular greens that help you have a peaceful sleep.
4. Increases your productivity and performance
Being able to produce a calm and relaxing environment, studies have shown that plants help improve performance in a workplace. Moving about with less stress boosts one's focus, memory and attentiveness; a positive domino effect. An office space with plants is said to have more lively employees and less sick calls.
5. Breathes life to a dull environment

A very obvious reason to add greens to your lifeless space. Putting an Areca Palm or a Fiddle Leaf Fig in a corner transforms your place from sterile to cozy. That being said, it makes a good conversation piece when you have guests over for dinner.
Having large, lush plants also helps to give you a bit of privacy from prying neighbors. No need for curtains if you have beautiful trailing plants hanging by your window.
Are you hesitant in getting a houseplant because you don't have a "green thumb"?
Start with one that requires low upkeep and can tolerate low light or drought. A snake plant or a Zz plant would be best. Succulents are a good start too, although they could often be a little finicky. If you have kids and pets, ask around and look for one that is non-toxic and pet friendly.
Give it a try, don't be afraid to lose a leaf and learn as you go. Taking care of at least one plant will give you the best feeling in the world!
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